Welcome to London West End WI

Tuesday, 29 March 2016

March Round-Up

Monthly Meeting

At our monthly meeting on Wednesday 16th March, we were treated to an informative talk about hypnotism by 18 year old Mike from www.mikehypno.com where he explained how our minds are like icebergs, with our brains only consciously processing about 10-20% that is above the waterline as opposed to the 80% going on beneath the surface.
Mike and our President, Alix
The talk was interspersed with audience participation exercises including the "Yes" exercise and the "Observation" exercise where you counted the number of ball passes, demonstrating the way your hands communicate so much about what you feel. It was interesting to see how a positively phrased suggestion can be very persuasive.

Members asked lots of insightful questions and came away hopefully with a better appreciation of what hypnosis and hypnotherapy can do. The event ended with a guided meditation.

For those of you who missed it, it was a great evening and in case you were wondering, no-one pretended to be a chicken...!

Becky and Laura have now taken over the role of Joint Treasurer, we at LWEWI are very, very grateful for them stepping up to take on this role.
Becky and Laura hypnotise each other into becoming Treasurer (possibly...)

Craft Club

At March craft club on Tuesday 1st March, Sue very patiently led us in crocheting granny squares - a first for some of us, a chance to practice for others.

Monday, 14 March 2016

March Meeting and BM tickets

Wednesday 16th March 2016, 6.30pm

This month's meeting is all about hypnotism, with street hypnotist Michael Beeson who hypnotises both for entertainment and for therapy.

(c) Michael Beeson, www.mikehypno.com

The talk will include what hypnosis is, some history, where and how it's being used, and  interactive exercises for confidence, ego-strengthening, energy, assertiveness and other positive outcomes which can be achieved through hypnosis. We will also learn something called "suggestibility tests" which can serve as great things to practice and amaze friends and family with how powerful words can be!

Please note: Michael may be filming us (with consent forms), and he has advised that anyone with a diagnosed psychological order may not want to take part in the exercises.

Find out more about Michael at his website here: 


BM Community Preview Tickets, Sicily Exhibition

We have preview tickets for the British Museum's new exhibition,"Sicily, Culture and Conquest" on Sunday 17th April. 

Tickets are available to any member of LWEWI, email us at the usual address to reserve yours (timeslot TBC). 
More information on the exhibition here: http://www.britishmuseum.org/whats_on/exhibitions/sicily.aspx

Thursday, 10 March 2016


LWEWI urgently needs a new Treasurer, due to unforeseen circumstances. If you're a member, or have been thinking about joining us and have some experience with budgets (no special skills required!) please do email us on londonwestendwi@gmail.com for more information or to volunteer your services. 


(beware - if no-one volunteers, we might have to use the services of the hypnotist at the March meeting to persuade someone!!)