Welcome to London West End WI

Monday, 19 December 2016

December Meeting - Carols at St George's

Wednesday 21st December 2016, 6.30pm

St George's Bloomsbury Carol Service

There is no formal meeting of LWEWI in December, as the church holds its annual carol service on the evening we'd usually meet.

All members are invited to join the congregation of St George's for this seasonal service. 

LWEWI will be providing mince pies for the congregation after the service, as well as serving mulled wine. If you're able to provide some pies, or are willing to help serve and clear up, do email us at londonwestendwi@gmail.com

Thursday, 8 December 2016

St Mary's Hospital Carol Concert

On Monday 5th December LWEWI helped provide refreshments for COSMIC, the intensive care unit at St Mary's Hospital in Paddington, who held a Carol Concert at St Matthew's Church in Bayswater, in aid of the charity.

Thank you so much to everyone who baked and attended.

The food all went down a storm. They were very happy and said the refreshments were so much nicer than they normally were.

See below for a copy of the cover sheet and page of thanks from the service booklet.