Welcome to London West End WI

Monday, 25 January 2021

LWEWI Wildlife Photo Gallery

Following our virtual tour of the Wildlife Photographer of the Year exhibition, we decided to put together our own little show of some of our members' nature/animals/wildlife photographs taken during lockdown. Hope you enjoy!

Elaine Armstrong

Pam Young

Joanne Large

Natalie Miller

Nicky Johns

Wednesday, 20 January 2021

New Year, New Events... Same Old Zoom!

 Welcome to 2021! 

With the third lockdown in full swing, we're still holding all our meetings via Zoom for existing and new members. 

Craft Club is on the first Tuesday of the month, our first one had a small turnout. We meet 6.30 to 7.30 on Zoom, and you can bring along whatever you're working on to craft along or get advice from our experienced crafters.

Main meetings are on the third Wednesday of the month, 6.30 to 8.30 pm. For our first meeting we had an online tour of the Wildlife Photographer of the Year exhibition, led by our president Claude. You can see the whole exhibition here: https://www.nhm.ac.uk/wpy/gallery

In February we're having a skincare session - if you haven't already, then please email us to sign up in advance so we can get the products sent you in advance. 

March is going to be a fun interactive meeting (details to follow) and we're pulling together an online programme for the next few months after that.

For more information about LWEWI please email us at londonwestendwi@gmail.com