Welcome to London West End WI

Saturday, 6 November 2010

Dates for the Diary - Nov 2010

Hello Ladies

Just thought we would pass on the various WI, Community, Charity and Christmas things we have been approached with since we last contacted you.

November WI meeting - AGM and Cider tasting

It's that time of year again already! On Tuesday the 16th we'll be having our AGM, complete with our annual review and vote for official positions. If you’re interested in running for a position or would like to join the committee, please feel free to drop us an email at londonwestendwi@googlemail.com – we’d be happy to tell you more about the responsibilities involved.

To liven up the official procedures, we’ll also be enjoying a cider tasting, after which you’ll know your dry perrys from your scrumpies!

December 2010 - Christmas celebration and Neal's Yard talk about herbal remedies.
We have managed to line up a talk and hopefully some free samples from Jacqui a herbalist based in Neal's yard who would like to come and talk to us in December.
We hope to have her speak for 30-40mins and then we plan to celebrate Christmas together after.
Pls do bring along any food/wine/juice etc that you would like to share with the group.

Jan 2011 - Large Hadron Collider talk with Professor Butterworth
Come along all of you who are interested in pure physics and quantum theory. Understand how the universe was formed. Come with an open mind and lots of questions.

My scientific adviser described it to me as an opportunity to "Understand how things are put together at a sub atomic level."

LWWI have had their resolution proposal, submitted in July, regarding the media portrayal of positive body images accepted by Surrey. Further detais available from Carrie, Georgia or Lynne Parker. If you would like to join the campaigning committee pls approach one of the above.

Ikea Trip Thursday 25th Nov
Another free coach trip for those of us who live without cars in the Covent Garden, Bloomsbury area.

Leave from outside Majestic Wine on Drury Lane, Covent Garden at 10am on Thursday the 25th of November, spend time at IKEA, load your shopping into the big luggage spaces under the coach and leave IKEA at 3pm to return to Drury Lane by around 4pm.

The coach can carry big flat pack furniture.

If you, or your neighbour or your family would like to go on this trip call Suzie Herschelle on 020 7240 1738 or her mobile: 07944 544 733 or email her on: suzie@millimeep.co.uk to let her know how many places you need.

Last Opportunity to enter WI Jam Festival - Deadline for jam entries is 20th November
Last plug for the WI Real Jam Festival. www.thewirealjamfestival.com/

LWWI Royal Opera House Trip to see Hansel and Gretel December 28th
Pls contact lwwi and confirm if you would like to attend. Ideally Kate would like you to bring the money for your tickets to the November meeting so she has a firm idea of numbers. Ticket price should be circa £20

Food Hygiene Course postponed to Feb 2011.
Due to circumstances beyond our control we have had to postpone our planned Food Hygiene Certificate course which we had hoped to run in November 2010 but will now run in Feb 2011.
Pls do think about doing this as it is so useful. Lots of time to sign up now. Course should still be £30.

British Museum visit to see the Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead
The trip on Sunday to the the Ancient Egyptian Book of the dead was super. Even though we had a lower than anticipated attendance at the event it was fascinating. We shared our spare tickets within the community. We practically had the whole exhibition to ourselves so much nicer than even the special members only events. And we saw it first folks before the press, BM Members and the general public.

There might be another community date in November I think on the 25th or 27th if anyone else is interested in seeing the exhibition but was unable to make Sunday Oct 31st pls email lwwi and we will make enquiries from the BM to see if we can go again. No promises though ;-) I think tickets to this event are normally £8-£12 but on the special community events they are complimentary.


Wildlife Photographer of the Year is being shown at the Natural History Museum from October 2010 until early March 2011.
More details at www.nhm.ac.uk/wildphoto

For the crafters & bakers amongst our WI, Kirstie's Home made home returns to Channel Four Tuesday evenings at 8PM. Further details available on Channel 4 website I am sure.

London Children's Film Festival - Barbican - Oct 30th until Nov 7th 2010
Further details at lcff.org.uk

Turner Prize is on at the Tate Britain until Jan 3rd 2011

The Voices of The WI album - by The Harmonies - is in the shops from Monday 25 October 2010!
The Harmonies’ spectacular debut album – The Voices of the WI – features a new contemporary arrangement of Jerusalem and all-time favourites including:

* Wonderful World
* When I Fall in Love
* You've Got A Friend
* Imagine
* Annie's Song
* Dream a Little Dream
* Wild Mountain Thyme
* Smile
* Reach Out and Touch
* Teach Your Children Well

PLUS several stunning new original pop songs, all in the unique style of The Harmonies, winners of ‘Search for Stars of the WI’ 2010.

CIY: Craft it Yourself
A fun programme of events to satisfy your crafty urges this Winter @ Craft Central, Oct-Dec 2010 http://www.craftcentral.org.uk/craft-it-yourself
Book online now! http://craftcentralbookings.org.uk/programme/public-events

Cost: All CIY workshops cost an affordable £19.99 (including materials and complimentary wine) Book online! http://craftcentralbookings.org.uk/programme/public-events
Venue: Craft Central, 33-35 St John’s Square, London EC1M 4DS

Our enjoyable programme of Craft It Yourself workshops offers the chance for anyone to take part in craft - discover the relevance (and fun) of craft and design!

Whether you’re already an expert, or fancy trying something new, come and satisfy your crafty urges at the CIY workshops led by designers. From sharpening up your sewing skills with creating gorgeous handbags from vintage fabrics, to millinery and crafty tips to decorate your home for the festive season, this is an informal opportunity to learn from the experts and have a bit of ‘making’ fun! No experience required!

Join us this winter for the following CIY workshops...

Craft It Yourself: Hat Party! Make a Fascinator with Katherine Elizabeth http://www.katherineelizabethhats.com/ on Mon 1 Nov at 6pm
Craft It Yourself: Make a Luxury Christmas Accessory with Minnie Bats Design http://minniebats.com/ on Mon 8 Nov at 6pm
Craft It Yourself: Make a Handbag with Emily Jo Gibbs http://www.emilyjogibbs.co.uk/ on Mon 15 Nov at 6pm
Craft It Yourself: Make Jewellery with Frilly by Lily http://www.frillybylily.co.uk/ on Wed 8 Dec at 6pm

More information can be found attached and on our website http://www.craftcentral.org.uk/craft-it-yourself . Book online now! http://craftcentralbookings.org.uk/programme/public-events

Best wishes

Sarah Hewett
Events and Professional Development Manager
Craft Central
33-35 St John's Square



Volunteering at Guide Dogs
Pippa Block wrote to us LWWI earlier in October with the following message we thought some of you who live or work locally might be interested in:

I hope you don't mind me emailing you. I found your details on your

I work in the volunteering department at Guide Dogs. We are currently
looking for volunteers to help the district team based in Euston and
wondered whether any of your members might be interested in helping us.
The district team, made up of Guide Dog Mobility Instructors, carry out
the advanced stages of training with the dogs and match the dogs to
their new owners. They have dogs in the office during normal office
hours (9 - 5ish) and then the dogs stay with volunteer boarders in the
evenings and at weekends.

We are looking for volunteers to help out our volunteer boarders by
collecting the dogs from their homes in the morning and dropping them
off at the Euston office between 8 am and 9am. We are then also looking
for volunteers to come into the office around 5pm and groom the dogs for
an hour or so before dropping them back at the boarders homes. These
volunteers would be able to use our vehicles. Most of the volunteer
boarders live around the Euston or Camden area so the role would suit
someone that lived not far from that area. We would ideally like around
4 volunteers in total for the morning and afternoon driving shifts. We
feel it would be beneficial to do the shifts in pairs on a rota basis.

We would love to talk to you and your members more about these
volunteering roles. Myself and one of the mobility instructors would be
more than happy to come along to one of your meetings (with a dog!) to
talk a bit more about what we do and about the volunteering
opportunities on offer.

My contact details are below so please feel free to get in touch.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Pippa Block
Regional Volunteering Advisor (South & East)
Tel: 0118 9830167
Mob. 07920285750

Guide Dogs for the Blind Association,Walkden House, First Floor, 10 Melton Street, London, NW1 2EB

To find out about volunteer opportunities across the region call 0845 371 7771

Get dining for Guide Dogs! To find out more, go to www.guidedogs.org.uk/gettogether

The Guide Dogs for the Blind Association
Registered Office: Hillfields, Burghfield Common, Reading, Berkshire, RG7 3YG. A company limited by
guarantee registered in England and Wales (291646) and a charity registered in England and Wales
(209617) and Scotland (SC038979).

Tel: 0118 9835555 Website: www.guidedogs.org.uk Email: guidedogs@guidedogs.org.uk

A Star for Christmas’ carol concert in support of Age UK in Euston Dec 9th.
This email came in from Sara.Westrop@ageuk.org.uk advising us of the
next community based event which we thought some people might be interested in was

Her message read:
I was wondering if your members would be interested in hearing about our festive ‘A Star for Christmas’ carol concert in support of Age UK. It takes place on Thursday 9th December at St Pancras Parish Church, Euston Road from 6.30pm. We would love you to join us for an evening of Christmas cheer whilst we celebrate our achievements throughout 2010.

This year we have a host of entertainment and celebrities for you to enjoy as well as the traditional carols to get you in the festive mood. We have an early bird offer on tickets running until the 5th November costing £10 instead of £20. The price of your ticket includes refreshments after the concert.

This winter, Age UK and our partners will provide advice, support and practical services to reach over 350,000 older people who desperately need our help to keep warm, healthy and stay in touch. By joining us for this Christmas celebration you will not only enjoy a fantastic evening of entertainment, but also be reaching out to thousands of lonely older people.

You can book tickets by calling the events team on 020 7239 1922.

With kind regards,
Sara Westrop
Events Fundraising Co-ordinator


Lux Chell (no I am not making up her name contacted us and a number of our WI sisters from fellow London branches to advise us of LadyFest which is happening in North London in a few weeks time.
Full details at www.ladyfestten.com

Lux's message read:

Hi Everyone,

We're in the final push before Ladyfest 10 and we need your help. We want to get our venues looking as lovely as possible and for that, we'd love some bunting. Funds and time are in short supply so we're asking you, the crafty ladies of London, to help us out. We'd really appreciate it if you could donate us some bunting with any materials you have to hand. Feel free to get creative- you could spell out the name of your group, or inspirational words and pictures. I've attached a pattern you could follow if you want to. The only limitation is that it's ready by November 11th. Short notice, I know, but it's so simple and we know that you can represent. Give us a heads up and we'll be round to pick up your bunting whenever it's ready, and please pass this info on to whoever you think might be interested.

From myself and on behalf of Ladyfest 10, thank you so much for helping us out.
Yours, Lux Chell

British Red Cross
Final community/fundraising request has come in from the British Red Cross's Naomi Kibrit

Her message read:

I am emailing on behalf of the British Red Cross London Fundraising Team to introduce myself as your local contact. I am a Senior Community Fundraiser based in the City of London but covering fundraising activities across the whole of London - broadly speaking within the M25 boundaries.

The British Red Cross helps people in crisis, whoever and wherever they are. We are part of a global network of volunteers, responding to natural disasters, conflicts and individual emergencies. We enable vulnerable people at home and overseas to prepare for and respond to emergencies in their own communities. And when a crisis is over, we help people to recover and move on with their lives.

In local communities throughout the UK including here in London, the Red Cross is there. We provide life saving first aid training, care for people returning home from hospital when there is no one else to turn to, support refugees fleeing conflict and are ready to respond to emergencies 365 days a year.

As a fundraising team we organise various fundraising events within central London to raise money for our work at home and overseas - such as Abseils, Wine Tasting events, Christmas Markets (one held at Guildhall in the city and one at Kensington Town Hall), Disaster Response Challenge weekends, and annual fundraising collections (namely during our Red Cross Week in May).

Local centres also organise and support local events where they can, along with running local services in their communities. On top of this we have a fantastic (and ever-growing) base of supporters and organisations who organise weird and wonderful fundraising events on our behalf - such as a local quiz night or disco, through to a personal sponsorship challenge or private collection.

I would really like the opportunity to speak with you a little bit more about how the London West End WI may like to get involved with the British Red Cross either on the phone or face to face at one of your regular meetings. Please do let me know if you would be interested in finding out more information about our work and when would be a convenient time to contact you to discuss this further.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Kind regards
Naomi Kibrit

Direct line: 020 7382 4651

British Red Cross, 3rd Floor, 64 London Wall, London, EC2M 5TP

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