Welcome to London West End WI

Sunday, 18 September 2011

LWWI had an amazingly successful day at Phoenix Gardens this year.

Phoenix Gardens - September 2011

London Westend WI and Women at the Well took stalls at the Phoenix Gardens Festival on September 3rd. Both parties reported having a most successful day selling to and meeting the public.

Two of the Nuns from "Women at the Well."

Wi Bunting.
Special thanks go out to the following bakers and producers of food:
Jane, Denise, Viv, Helena, Selina, Jennifer M, Maria Pedro, Diana, Kate Charles, Wendy

And to the following people who manned the stall:
Kate, Selina, Diana, Helena, Jennifer M, Jane, Kate Charles.

Special Thanks to Kate M for co-ordinating this and setting up the stall.

We had a fantastic selection of food including:
 Beautiful cupcakes, Selina red velvet were very popular as were the straight chocolate cupcakes and Jennifer M's decorated cupcakes as well as Helena's lemon and coffee cupcakes. Kate Charles brought a welcome replenishment of cupcakes later in the day, she supplied orange chocolare, beetroot chocolate and tutti fruiti cupcakes.

Also big sellers were the flapjacks (plain, chocolate and cinnamon)

There were a lucky few who got to taste the delighful large cakes made by Viv and Denise. They looked amazing.

Selina's ginger cake was super gingery I am told and was scrumptious.

We had a huge amount of brownies which all sold really well as did our jams, chutneys, curds and marmalades. Which were all very popular and saw a return of many customers from the previous year reporting how much they had enjoyed them last year.

The bunting as you can see from the pictures looked great.

Well done one and all. Thank you to everyone who came and bought from us. Thank you also to members who donated produce and did not request reimbursement for their ingredients.

We raised about 400 pounds we think which should hopefully cover a number of month's rent for LWWI.

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