Might it be possible for any of our members to assist with the refreshments for St Mary's Intensive Care Unit's carol concert? The concert is happening on Monday 5th December, in the evening. Refreshments are needed just before the concert begins.
They approached us a few weeks ago as their nearest WI. They are the charity which had all the Christmas presents which were about to be given to sick children stolen along with the Christmas decorations and Santa outfit from the Hospital Ward in the last day or so (see photo for more details) - it was in the news and the papers yesterday.
Claude is going to bake and we are hoping one or two of you might also be able to bake?
If you can bake, and would like to attend the concert at St Matthew's Church in Bayswater, please email us at londonwestendwi@gmail.com and we will request they reserve a ticket for you for the concert. They have said that all refreshment providers can have tickets, they just need to know how many are needed.
The church is:
St Matthew's Church in Bayswater
29 St Petersburgh Place
London W2 4LA
With regards to baked goods for the event, the things they usually serve are cakes, biscuits, mince pies etc - nice nibbles really. Please could they be delivered to the venue for around 4 to 5pm as the event starts at 7pm. More information about the carol concert can be found here.
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