Welcome to London West End WI

Wednesday, 18 January 2017

January Meeting, Wednesday 18th

This month it's all about Carnival!

Banish the winter blues with an evening dedicated to colour, dance and feathers!

In the lead up to Trinidad Carnival, one of the biggest carnivals in the world, Natalie will be discussing the origins, history and role of women in Carnival in the Caribbean as well as exploring what Carnival looks like today; both in the Caribbean and diasporas in the UK and Europe.

The talk will cover various aspects of Carnival from its origins in slavery and traditional costumes to modern Carnival and 'pretty mas' We'll also discuss how Carnival came to be in Notting Hill, as well as differences in Carnivals across the globe.

There will be costumes on display with headdresses to try on, and some Carnival choreography so wear comfortable shoes!

St George's Bloomsbury, 6 Little Russell Street, London WC1A 2HR. Doors open at c. 6:00pm for a 6:30pm start. Main business of meeting usually 7pm to 8.30pm

Membership for 2017 is £39.00. Membership is non refundable and will expire at the end of the year. Guests are very welcome (£5 for non-WI members), feel free to just turn up and say hello!

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