Welcome to London West End WI

Thursday, 12 December 2019

LWEWI crafting and Royalty!

On 11th December the Associated Country Women of the World (ACWW) were honoured and delighted to welcome ACWW member Her Majesty Queen Azizah of Malaysia as part of her first official state visit to the UK. 

Her Majesty has been involved with the ACWW over a long period, and is a keen crafter. A number of WI Federations attended and showed off crafts made by their members, as she had expressed an interest to see WI crafts. Thank you to our former LWEWI member and ACWW Chief Executive Officer Tish Collins, who invited LWEWI's Craft Club to provide crafts for the Middlesex Federation display.

Craft Club organiser Jane represented LWEWI, and took along some of the Craft Club makes.

LWEWI crafts on the Middlesex table

Lorraine Reed from Middlesex Federation, Queen Azizah, and Her Majesty's sister in law

LWEWI crafts on the Middlesex table

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