Welcome to London West End WI

Thursday 4 April 2019

March (and early April... round up)

March began in grey weather, and with a cancelled craft club due to lots of people being away. However, we made up for it with a lively main meeting a couple of weeks ago, where Natalie and Claude led us in a team quiz. 

Turns out we have some very competitive, and knowledgeable, members; well done in particular to those who got all the 'Celebs as babies' photo questions correct! Thank you to everyone who brought something for the prize table - no-one left empty handed. And welcome to those who came along for the first time, we hope to see you again soon!

April's craft club went ahead this week, where a group of us knitted hats for Innocent smoothie bottles, in aid of AgeUK and the Big Knit campaign. We'll be sending them off in May or June, so if anyone wants to knit more, please do so and we'll be collecting them at the April and May monthly meetings, and May Craft Club. You can find more information and patterns here: http://www.thebigknit.co.uk/join-in

Coming up in April we have a visit to the British Museum this Sunday, and a dinner at Pizza Express - you should have received full details if you've requested to attend either of these. If you put your name down but haven't heard anything, do email us ASAP. 

Our monthly meeting on Wed 17th will hopefully be tea tasting at T2 on Tottenham Court Road, and may or may not be followed by the AGM. Full details will be emailed out soon!

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