Welcome to London West End WI

Thursday 30 April 2020

May (virtual) Meetings

London West End WI hopes you're all keeping safe in these trying times.

After a successful meeting via Zoom for Craft Club in April, we're going to try for more meetings in May so our members can keep in touch. 
April crafting with LWEWI online

First up is another Craft Club, on Tuesday 5th May at 7pm. Members should already have been sent the code to join, if not then email us. We're not doing any specific craft - bring your cross stitch, or knitting, or mask making, or anything else you like, grab a glass of something cold or a mug of something hot, and join us! 

On 20th May, in place of our regular meeting we'll be having a quiz night, again via Zoom, with oodles of general knowledge questions to get your brains working. More details (time, log in, etc) will be sent nearer the time. All you'll need as well as Zoom is a pen and paper (and wine. always wine!)

Remember we also have a WhatsApp group, if you've not been added to it, and would like to be, then do drop us an email with your mobile number so we can add you.

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